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The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the direct and indirect effects on work climate variables, teacher performance, organizational commitment, work motivation and stress the work of SMK teachers in East Barito Regency. The research method uses a quantitative descriptive approach with a research sample of 124 teachers spread across Vocational High Schools throughout East Barito Regency. Techniques Data collection is done by observation and questionnaires. Techniques Data analysis was carried out with simple and multiple regression statistical analysis to describe the influence between research variables. The results of the study show that: (1) There is a significant effect of work climate on organizational commitment (2) There is a significant influence of work climate on work motivation (3) There is a significant influence of organizational commitment on work motivation (4) There is a significant influence of work climate on work stress ( 5) There is a significant effect of organizational commitment on work stress (6) There is a significant effect of work climate on teacher performance (7) There is a significant effect of organizational commitment on teacher performance (8) There is a significant effect of work motivation on teacher performance (9) There is a significant effect of stress work climate on teacher performance (10) There is an indirect effect of work climate on teacher performance through teacher organizational commitment (11) There is an indirect effect of work climate on work motivation through teacher organizational commitment (12) There is no indirect effect of work climate on work stress through organizational commitment (13) T There is an indirect effect of work climate on performance through teacher work motivation (14) There is an indirect effect of work climate on performance through teacher work stress (15) There is an indirect effect of organizational commitment on performance through teacher work motivation (16) There is an indirect effect of commitment organization on performance through teacher work stress.

Article Details

work climate, teacher performance, organizational commitment, work motivation, work stress
How to Cite
Teresia, E., Sulaiman, & Suriansyah. (2022). The Effect of Work Climate on Teacher Performance Toward Organizational Commitment, Work Motivation, and Work Stress of Vocational School Teachers in East Barito District. Journal of K6 Education and Management, 4(4).


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